Right place at the right time.
I truly believe while we are here we are able to connect to certain people...Animals...Hell! I have plant friends! I went to Tryon to to see a firend's art installation at the Upstairs Gallery. Before we went to see the installation we stopped to see a documentary about her. I got there late so I stood in the back and just listened to her talk. Tones, I feel tones folks. Even recorded I hear and feel them. I felt a glimpse of her pain and confusion. Powerfully sad until her death I do believe. Her voice stops me. Whatever I'm doing...Like it's taking me forever to WRITE THIS! Lol
“I think the rich will eventually have to cave in too, because the economic situation around the world is not gonna tolerate the United States being on top forever.
You know what I find extremely disturbing and sad about that statement. It's true! The virus that is human life was born from wanting to survive at any means and that stayed in our DNA. We will not be able to survive this planet if we do not change our mindsets. It still like the competition to be on top. People living in the woods far away from man are the ones that get it. Take only what you need. Feels like they took more than they needed from Nina. There should be way more out here to honor her. I sway from the story. Sorry. I'm a passionate man. Back to the story...
'Black Classical Music". I love that.
So we are just walking around the property being present. I was looking for spots in the worn ground to see where she may have played as a child. Tracie found it near the side of the house where they played under the house. Her vibration is still there for sure. Floats through all these galaxies. Aliens come here to seek her voice! They also are looking for me, but that's a whole different encounter.
I like to see what she may have seen. I hear her brothers and sisters running around. I feel the sun and hear the breeze and want to join in. The sun hits her face, warms her soul, she sings. Birds stop chirping to hear her.
I like to walk in others shoes in my mind sometimes. Beautifully deep, loving, scary, lonely, vain, pure and absolute existence we live.
The house is to say the least in sad condition. Been rode hard and put up wet. Taking nothing away from how honored I was feeling just being there. I just wish the foolish wish people respecting their neighbors more on this planet. Breaks my heart daily.
We were outside for at least 20 minutes just exploring. Did we find treasure? You darn tootin' we did!!! A 1976 rusty penny on heads! Boom.
Time was drawing near and we were about to leave. I just wanted to peek inside through a small hole in the door. I could barely see anythi..."Wait." It was unlocked. I looked around for the No Tresspassing sign and being a black man in Tryon I wasn't going to be breaking in Shiznast! No sign. So I walk in. I FEEL her vibration. Powerful!!!
I don't think anything original to the house was in there. This made me even more sad for her. Remembered but so forgotten.The whole place is no bigger than the room you are in right now. Looks like it was divided by a wall. Almost 9 people lived in this house. The room you are in plus 8 people living together for years. It would make me want to see the world too. The kitchen was the second biggest room. Cooking, Cleaning, Washing Laundry, Bathing all in there, sometimes, all at the same time. Busy house in those days.
Born Eunice Kathleen Waymon in Tryon, North Carolina on February 21st, 1933. I see the beautiful little black girl sitting and playing music and it just filling the valley with her voice. Nina learned to play early in life at age 3 and playing in her family church choir. I bet this pedal organ gave this home some of the most beautiful notes ever sung on this earth. So we sat with Nina and I have to say, I was truly honored to be there on her Birthday. No one else came there today. So I felt even more honored.
I could see her smiling that someone came to her party! I brought a heart full of joy for her! I think she liked it. I think she unlocked the door. It was a padlock and I swear I looked there first.
Thank you Nina Simone for allowing me to be in your presence today! A piece of you is in me now. It was always there. Journeys take you to where you need to be so you can find out where you are going.
So thankful for my journey. It has not been all sunshine and unicorns. I stumbled..I have lost the path...I have built my own obstacles...I have gotten up...I made a new path...I will build a better life for myself. Thank you for your presence today Nina~
Happy Birthday Nina Simone! It was a beautiful party!
PS. YES, I locked it back when I left
Then this happened...
“I’m a real rebel with a cause.
Like I have said before I enjoy working with other open artist. Yeye Siju Osunyemi is something no where near this planet open! I have never been where her mind is and I am thankful she took me with her on this trip. Tryon NC is a quiet little town. Of course I knew about Nina, but I was about to be educated.
To see how so many people used her for her talents and not acknowledge the love she had for her home was sad to see. She spoke up when something was wrong while still fighting the demons inside of her. That's powerful! We all should be so brave and powerful to leave a mark on this world. You know what's crazy...What she spoke/sang about is still happening today if not worse. So today I wish we would do what we could as a community(earth) and do what is obviously right. To be on this ride and watch it catch fire and not enough stand up is madness! To watch how we treat or neighbors, our brother and sisters, our families is unlike any horror film I have ever watched. I don't understand people that are more negative than anything. Life began because of a reaction that took place from many other forms. That's how I see it. That's how I want to live my life. Being surrounded by light beings and helping out with all when I can. Even in my small town of Asheville there are still those that look to step on others in order to get ahead. Not I. There is a better way...A better path...a better Life!
Seeing Nina's house and how she lived her Life inspired us to go back and shoot in her house. To make her feel beautiful and special again~
“You know that? OK, as a robot get’s itself together and we do it, and we get to the middle, where we have forgotten our feelings of love — you will help me huh?
I know without question we are one. I want to feel your bliss and tenderness. I try not to dwell into negativism in any shape or form. It will come and I will try to be prepared. The pain that this beautiful woman went through is still so true and green to me. It lingers even in that room to this day. More compelling than that...Her spirit! Some of the greatest beings I have known on this planet have been wild and free souls! To understand that minute we are here and take full advantage of it. I saw her seeing herself in pretty gowns and placing herself in Paris. Being Loved, Adored, Worshipped if you will allow her young mind. Why not?! Dream big and she did~
When I process my photos I never do it the same way twice. I want to learn and forget it. This is my process to continually grow. Going inside Nina's space I tried to show her life as it were in her many stages. When I receive my gifts from my camera it's only half the story. Street and Fashion is where my hearts lays. I look to contact with everyone every time I shoot my subjects. Leigha Beck (model), was able to conjure up some added magic to the shoot by being herself and being open to allowing something to flow through her...So thankful!