Like I have said before I enjoy working with other open artist. Yeye Siju Osunyemi is something no where near this planet open! I have never been where her mind is and I am thankful she took me with her on this trip. Tryon NC is a quiet little town. Of course I knew about Nina, but I was about to be educated.
To see how so many people used her for her talents and not acknowledge the love she had for her home was sad to see. She spoke up when something was wrong while still fighting the demons inside of her. That's powerful! We all should be so brave and powerful to leave a mark on this world. You know what's crazy...What she spoke/sang about is still happening today if not worse. So today I wish we would do what we could as a community(earth) and do what is obviously right. To be on this ride and watch it catch fire and not enough stand up is madness! To watch how we treat or neighbors, our brother and sisters, our families is unlike any horror film I have ever watched. I don't understand people that are more negative than anything. Life began because of a reaction that took place from many other forms. That's how I see it. That's how I want to live my life. Being surrounded by light beings and helping out with all when I can. Even in my small town of Asheville there are still those that look to step on others in order to get ahead. Not I. There is a better way...A better path...a better Life!
Seeing Nina's house and how she lived her Life inspired us to go back and shoot in her house. To make her feel beautiful and special again~