It's still silent...
In almost every direction...I see lines. Smooth shapely gorgeous lines, chiseled strong powerful lines, crazy wobbly nonconforming lines. They are all magnificent in structure and hold tight to the colorful world in my head.
My show at Izzy's on Lexington is about those lines. It's a simple and beautiful journey I see.
I look forward to revealing a new series that I've been working on behind the scenes. This is a fun series for sure! Looking forward to testing new lighting and timing techniques, to paint a photo with little added editing. Look for it around April.
I want to thank Izzy's for hosting me! Everyone was comfortable and Chris is an amazing gentleman! Thanks dude!
I want to thank everyone who bought pieces from me! It means so much to feel respected and supported by you. It fuels me as well as other things I love. So much love and respect back to you!