asheville commercial photographers

PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP JUNE 23. 2023 by Micah Mackenzie

Upgrade your photography skills and take your creativity to the next level with our immersive one-day-only photography workshop on June 23 at the Center for Craft in Asheville, NC. From 1pm to 5pm, you'll learn essential techniques for capturing stunning images that will elevate your portfolio. Led by acclaimed photographer Micah Mack, this hands-on workshop is perfect for beginners and seasoned photographers alike who want to upgrade their skills and explore new possibilities.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from a pro and take your photography to the next level. Register before June 1st and receive our early bird special rate of $500. After June 10th, the cost for the workshop is $1000. ONE DAY ONLY. Limited seats are available, so contact us now to reserve your spot for this unforgettable experience.

Center for Craft Address: 67 Broadway St, Asheville, NC 28801

Untouched. Nude series* by Micah Mackenzie

 I love keeping it simple.

 I love keeping it simple.

 A classic accessory for a woman is nothing~

I love transformations in a session! It’s such an integral part of what I do.

Simple = simply gorgeous.

The lines on her feet. Some of my favorite lines on a woman.

 I’ve been loving this lighting set-up lately! It’s gorgeous and super easy to do.

I wanted to create moody, flattering, dramatic and I think we accomplished that.

Lucca has the most infectious enthusiasm. About whatever she happens to be doing at the moment. She’s good energy all the time. 

Thank You Lucca for allowing me to take your portrait. Many Blessings to you!

Pushing Forward by Micah Mackenzie

All of us will experience hard choices, stressful events, and difficult situations that will impact us in one way or another for the rest of our lives.

Hard times happen. They teach us lessons, make us stronger, and give us a deeper sense of self. After all, would be sitting in the sun mean as much if you hadn’t of experienced the storm first?

After every storm there is calm, and then the sun shines. If you keep remembering that, you will make it through.

Give yourself the opportunity to feel and process every thought and emotion. This is what the experience calls for. We all know what happens if we bypass or bury our emotions. We must allow the process to happen and give ourselves the space and time to feel everything.

Now I take as much time as I can being positive. It is not easy on a daily basis,but I choose to have a happy life even when circumstances say there should be none. I am full of light and joy for each day to me is a new way to see out of the darkness. 

Rudy Aguilar Thank you for allowing me to go along with you to shoot that night in West Asheville. It is always so much fun just being around you man!


EMMA D, I'm so thankful to know you! You are a walking dream :) Look forward to creating with you again and again!

I AM BLACK AND BLANC Art Show @ Izzy's on Lex by Micah Mackenzie

It's still silent...

It's still silent...

In almost every direction...I see lines. Smooth shapely gorgeous lines, chiseled strong powerful lines, crazy wobbly nonconforming lines. They are all magnificent in structure and hold tight to the colorful world in my head. 

My show at Izzy's on Lexington is about those lines. It's a simple and beautiful journey I see. 

I look forward to revealing a new series that I've been working on behind the scenes. This is a fun series for sure! Looking forward to testing new lighting and timing techniques, to paint a photo with little added editing. Look for it around April.

Bye BB&T

I want to thank Izzy's for hosting me! Everyone was comfortable and Chris is an amazing gentleman! Thanks dude! 

 I want to thank everyone who bought pieces from me! It means so much to feel respected and supported by you. It fuels me as well as other things I love. So much love and respect back to you!