creative photography asheville

This is Na'ama~ by Micah Mackenzie

 Fierce and courageous in life. I have the privilege to learn and grow with Na'ama in my studio and in beautiful settings around these sacred lands. She reminds me of an ancient queen in her youth. She is full of fire and the sun covers its eyes to gaze apon her. I can sense all the strong women and courageous warriors that have come before her when theragraphy* is happening. 

She radiates love and passion. When we first started hanging out it was because our energy knew each other before we said a word. I am so thankful for her and I look forward to seeing where she will go. Na'ama is off to NY soon to do what I have already seen she will do~She will travel the world many times over.

She was born in Goa, India. Her father, Alon, is Moroccan Israeli and her mother's name is Pamela, she is American. 

Na'ama is a citizenship of Israel and the US.

I'm thankful she trusts me and we can create anything we set out to create. 



Let the beauty of what you love be what you do. Rumi 

Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.



Misting of Light

Misting of Light

Untouched. Nude series* by Micah Mackenzie

 I love keeping it simple.

 I love keeping it simple.

 A classic accessory for a woman is nothing~

I love transformations in a session! It’s such an integral part of what I do.

Simple = simply gorgeous.

The lines on her feet. Some of my favorite lines on a woman.

 I’ve been loving this lighting set-up lately! It’s gorgeous and super easy to do.

I wanted to create moody, flattering, dramatic and I think we accomplished that.

Lucca has the most infectious enthusiasm. About whatever she happens to be doing at the moment. She’s good energy all the time. 

Thank You Lucca for allowing me to take your portrait. Many Blessings to you!

A friend travels from Tokyo. by Micah Mackenzie

My eyes always want to take it all in at once. This is not possible so I am thankful for my camera that allows me to see the richness of life. I can see the future and the past in a lot of my works.

Recently on a shoot with a friend* that should've been a friend way before now. We were not so much lost but wandering in the creative state just creating. Andy Faulk* was in town from Tokyo Japan on assignment for Manfrotto ask if I wanted to go along. I have wanting to meet this gentleman since he left here about 6 or 7 years ago to go to Seoul Korea. So when he asked I jumped at the chance.  

I was shooting BTS shoots and capturing portraits at a different angle than I usually do. It was what my mind needed at that time. It's truly refreshing to see something new you have seen over and over. Like a long lost love* Being a 2nd eye allowed me to really relax and just have fun.

It was nice going out with these two beautiful beings and just playing. So often we forget to play, but not I. Being a talented photographer and  the gorgeous muse that she is Casey was exactly what I needed that day. Inspiration is constantly surrounding us. It's right in front of you daily. I choose to see this magical world where everything is possible.

Hugs and High Fives for Life!

Check out the write up we worked on together here:

Check out Andy's work here:


Pushing Forward by Micah Mackenzie

All of us will experience hard choices, stressful events, and difficult situations that will impact us in one way or another for the rest of our lives.

Hard times happen. They teach us lessons, make us stronger, and give us a deeper sense of self. After all, would be sitting in the sun mean as much if you hadn’t of experienced the storm first?

After every storm there is calm, and then the sun shines. If you keep remembering that, you will make it through.

Give yourself the opportunity to feel and process every thought and emotion. This is what the experience calls for. We all know what happens if we bypass or bury our emotions. We must allow the process to happen and give ourselves the space and time to feel everything.

Now I take as much time as I can being positive. It is not easy on a daily basis,but I choose to have a happy life even when circumstances say there should be none. I am full of light and joy for each day to me is a new way to see out of the darkness. 

Rudy Aguilar Thank you for allowing me to go along with you to shoot that night in West Asheville. It is always so much fun just being around you man!


EMMA D, I'm so thankful to know you! You are a walking dream :) Look forward to creating with you again and again!

Møniça-Theragraphy Session by Micah Mackenzie

This is Monica. I met her around 6 years ago working downtown. First impression Intelligent, lovely, feisty, strong, talented and funny. Working in the restaurant industry I rarely think on someone's life. You know, How they are doing. This lady was a sister from another Mr for sure! Time passed and I wondered how my sister was doing.  Since I last saw Monica she has had two beautiful children and is a loving and caring mother. It was nice to help pull my friend up with the help of many others in her life recently in a session.You are respected my dear! Keep your faith and your light~ Stay beautiful inside and out.

We all will know of strengths when we are at our weakest. I know the test is coming and in my life I look forward to the weakness. It comes less and less the more you realize the life you want to live. The eternal struggle of good and evil in all of us. We all know the faux faces. I choose to roam with beings looking to see themselves in a more fitting situation with everything around them. I personally have been 'destroyed and rebuilt' many times. All the while learning what to do and not to do. It is that simple. We forget as well daily. So how do you stay happy in a Mad World?

    Look for your higher power! Whatever that means to you. I live in a world that I choose. I have no time for negativity in ALL it's forms. I see it and I make a new path. 

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